Why You Should Consider Cloud Faxing

Updated On
July 1, 2021
Why You Should Consider Cloud Faxing

The communication mediums are changing and if you are still using faxing in your business operations, you should consider cloud faxing. This is a new and advanced technology that uses an online account for faxing purposes. You can easily send fax messages as an email attachment, without having to use a fax machine or a phone line. There are tons of reasons why it makes sense to get an internet fax account and we will look at some of the vital ones.


For most people, the internet is considered to be an unsecured environment, with a number of security lapses. However, with online faxing, there are security measures that have been put in place so as to protect your information. Online fax archiving and TLS encryption are meant to provide you with much-needed security. Your fax account is web-based and as such, the fax messages will only be accessible when you sign in.


There are many online fax service providers with so much to offer. These are companies that have proved to be reliable when it comes to fax services. In the past, your fax may fail to get delivered and you may not have a way of knowing if it has been received. With cloud faxing, you will get an email alert when the fax message has been delivered to the recipient. In addition, you can send faxes to multiple recipients simultaneously.

Ease of Use

The best online fax services come with an interface that is easy to use. You can access your fax account remotely, which gives you a lot of conveniences. You do not have to go to the office to send or receive faxes; all you need is an internet connection. By the time you start out with online faxing, you will get free tutorials on how the system works. Cloud faxing allows you to send fax documents from your email or by using a print-to-fax feature.  Faxes can be received to email addresses, held in a web portal or directed to a network folder.


One of the biggest benefits of online fax is the fact it can be used by anyone, whether big or small. It is scalable, allowing you to choose a package that suits your needs. You will find different plans and with the help of the experts, you can pick whatever works for you. Scalability means that you can increase or decrease your fax usage as the need arises.


Finally, the other reason why you should consider cloud faxing is the fact that it is mobile. This is a web-based service, which makes it possible to use the fax from any part of the world. You can continue with your business operations irrespective of your current location.


As you can see, there are so many advantages of cloud faxing that you should not miss out on. Contact us and sign up for your eGoldFax account to start making the most of your fax. You will love every bit of it and your faxing world will never be the same again.

Send and receive faxes in minutes.

eGoldFax is ready to provide your business with cloud faxing solutions.

eGoldFax Team